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The concepts of “MANAGEMENT FROM HEART” are basically directed to the Human management aspects only. It does not cover aspects like inventory management, equipment management, data management etc.


ABOUT Anil Bhatia


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We provide 100% results guarantee. Anil Kumar Bhatia with his 33 years of experience assures building an efficient and result oriented approach.

Confidential Agreement

Honest to my work is the first thing. Works on transparency. Provides confidentiality of data shared.

Anils’ principle of progress through self-control states that:
“The journey of progress in life, business and management is a direct relation of journey from control to self-control”…

We are Specialized


Obsessed with Quality

Obsessed with Quality

We are obsessed with quality. We rely on our portfolio to do business and always ensure that all our deliverables are directed towards quality improvement and stability.

Highly Competitive Costing

We provide solutions which are most cost effective, easy to understand and budget friendly.

Powerful Tools

Our systems and services backup is loaded with the necessary tools to help and support your requirements.

Excellent Customer Support

Excellent Customer Support

Customer support is our first priority. To ensure it we are using online service systems for the first time in our industry.



We are known for our troubleshooting and de-bottlenecking. Identifying the weak-links in the process and suggesting remedial measures is our forte.

The issues may include.

The process

The mechanicals

The electricals

The automation and instrumentation

The human interface

Broadly our technical services are as under:

Identifying Bottlenecks

This is the first step towards continuous improvement. It includes dividing the process into discreet steps and identifying the weak-links.

Anil's Hybrid Maintenance

This is a technique that we have developed to take the benefits of breakdown, preventive and predictive maintenance together. This is aimed at developing an ideal maintenance regime to give maximum available time.


The wide experience comes handy here. We suggest user friendly, low capex and low down-time practical solutions.

Self Benchmarking Process

We help you to establish your own benchmarking standards. This ensures apple-to-apple, EGO free, realistic and achievable benchmarks. These are fluid and ever increasing, designed on the basis of continuous improvement, to achieve better than the best.

Super Breakdown Team

Super breakdown team is a novel concept which aims at identifying and focusing on unavoidable, recurring breakdowns. It works on reducing the MBAT and TBBD.

Other Mutually Discussed Issues

We are Specialized



It is revisiting the old school which was followed by entrepreneurs of late 19th and early 20th century. MFH believes that head and heart are always in unison.

Taking Process

We all are very accustomed to label a decision pending situation as a “problem”. Here we try to differentiate between a problem and a situation waiting for decision taking.


The declaration of increments, annual or performance linked, is a very important aspect for the team member, entire team and the whole organization. The system should be designed to give a win-win-win feeling to all.


This is an evaluation system which is really apple-to-apple. It is based on the concept of self-improvement against the self.


It is our belief that joining of a new team member is like an Indian arranged marriage. A lifetime affair and the leaving of a member is like death in the family. The recruitment process is the most important activity in any organization.

Anil’s Practical Practicing Platforms

This is one of the few learnings that MFH has derived from sports. In business world we have no provision for practicing. This concept attempts at developing platforms for practice sessions before the event.

Practical Problem
Solving Tools

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Performance Management System

MFH believes that “communication is the only management tool available”. We try to develop a PMS which can measure the effectiveness of any system that the organization implements by measuring the level of communication within the organization.

Other Mutually Discussed Issues