Management from Heart

In short it is an attempt to “going back to basics”. Management from Heart (MFH) believes that:

Business is done by Humans,
Business is done for Humans and
Business is done through Humans.

The concepts of MFH are basically directed to the Human management aspects only. It does not cover aspects like inventory management, equipment management, data management etc.

The principal beliefs defining the concept of MFH are:

  1. The Organization is the only employer. Organization needs to be personified. It employs everyone the owners, the Directors, the Managers, the Executors, the Doers, the vendors, the customers etc. are all employed by the Organization.
  2. We should focus on developing team-work and team-spirit. Competition external or internal, vertical or horizontal are all detrimental for the Organizations’ growth.
  3. Life, Business and Management are not governed by the principles of war or sports.
  4. Targets are highly dangerous for the growth of the Organization.
  5. Process is the only leader. Every job has to be defined as a process and then the leadership role given to the Process.
  6. The term Manager needs to be replaced by the Provider.
  7. Addition of a new member is one of the most important activities of the complete organization. It is equivalent to a traditional Indian arranged marriage.

MFH is a complete system attempting to define the logic and process of all management activities from hiring of a person to become a team member to the eventual exit from the organization (which practically never happens)…


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