Can we re-design all job opportunities in such a possibility of a “better opportunity in the same job” if the person strives for it?

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-04 at 12.27.58 PM (1)


Every person wants to have his “own” business. Do we “own” our jobs?
Business is a lifetime commitment, but what happens in job; the moment I settle in a job I start looking for a better opportunity.


It is this quest for a better opportunity that brings a person into the business world. This is not the only factor, but here we will discuss this factor only. My endeavor is to make doing a job at par with doing a business. The adrenaline gush which is there at all times when I am in business is somewhere missing in the job atmosphere.
Can we re-design all job opportunities in such a way that there is always a possibility of a “better opportunity in the same job” if the person strives for it?

The key factor here is “in the same job”. When we are pursuing abusiness, we always try to seek growth and better opportunity in the same/similar field. Only after attaining a certain level we go for diversification.
The more I am involved in my business, the more I explore the possibilities, the more I can grow…

Can we design all the jobs in this way?
Can we give “job owner-ship”?