We have to re-design the jobs in such a way that the person is command of self-earnings. My earnings for today needs to be in direct relation to my work today.

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When I enter the world of business, I make a commitment, it is a lifetime decision. I have a special “attachment” with my business. There is no second line or succession fear or apprehensions. There is no looking for “greener pastures”. I have a special attachment to my business.
We have to associate “job” with this sense of attachment. Once I join a job, it is to be a lifetime commitment. Only after a certain level is attained, I can consider diversification.
How I can include this in the job profile of all who join my organization?
Is it difficult?
Not really…
We can easily learn it from the businessmen and entrepreneurs of the early twentieth century and late nineteenth century. There are many examples of team members who once got associated with them rarely left till the end of their lives. They believed in mental association rather than job-based association. It was not an employee-employer relationship, both worked for the Organization.
Today it is my job and the entrepreneur may not even know me. I do the job for the remuneration, only. In that period “people work for people” was true. There was “Management from Heart”, something more than the pay package. This is the need of the hour and “the solution” to many issues that the organizations and the team members face today…