Problem Solving Tools

In most (maybe 99.9% or more) of the cases we try to call ‘pending decision’ a problem. No problem-solving tool can help in such a situation.

There are no problems!


What a start to the topic on problem solving tools?

So, I need to go to Delhi from Amloh, two places 300 kms apart. I can go by car, bus, train or flight. Then what’s the problem. I can’t decide. I am confused and I am unable to decide.

Fine. So, we have a problem. Let us see if our problem-solving tools will help here.

Let’s apply problem solving…

Ok, we start with one of the most useful tools – brainstorming. I call my 20 teammates to the meeting hall. I am on the white board. They start bombarding suggestions and soon the whiteboard is unable to handle the data.

End of the session.

I have 24 more ideas from going on foot, to call the other person here, to cancel the trip!!!

Great session. I would never have assumed that there were so many alternatives.

Did my tool help?

“Problem solving tools help to get probable solutions if you don’t know the alternatives”.

Is this a PROBLEM or is it a case of an issue with a PENDING DECISION or MY INDECISIVENESS?

In most (maybe 99.9% or more) of the cases we try to call ‘pending decision’ a problem. No problem-solving tool can help in such a situation.